
Showing posts from July, 2022

Apology and Encouragement

This 15 minute podcast on "humble bragging" from Scripture Memory Fellowship is wise: The Danger of Memorizing Successfully . I need to apologize for a statement I made in my Bible Memory Challenge in April. I said,  I literally can say, "If I can do it, so can you!" Words I hoped would bring challenge, encouragement, and edification to the body of Christ, instead belittled, hurt, and discouraged a few readers, especially my friends with chronic illness limitations and  brain injuries .  I was humble-bragging about my own accomplishments instead of acknowledging that this is where I am only by the grace of God , and only after many years of brain healing . I do not recant my challenge , but do want to add a caveat specifically for those who have a valid reason our brains struggle more than most. This season may not yield the results you hope for. God will accomplish His purpose through your dedicated obedience, but that may look differently than you think it shou...