7am Sundays

Every Sunday morning finds my alarm going off 1-3 hours earlier than it does on any other day of the week. My health demands much sleep, but my heart so craves speaking Life and Truth to the Bride of Christ, that C. and I guard of our weekly book workshopping hour fiercely and have found Sunday mornings before church, to be the best consistent fit for both of our schedules. So C. greets me at her door at 7am every Sunday. 

[Update, Late October, 2024: About a year ago, a family crisis in C.'s life necessitated the end of our writing partnership. After taking most of this year to prayerfully reconsider the project, I have begun this book again and am meeting regularly with my pastor for input and now attempting to writing solo, starting over with chapter 1. Honestly, if a publishable book is the final outcome, it will only be because God choose to enable my injured brain to achieve something beyond my natural capabilities. I'm leading this post on my blog for background and it still reflects my heart and the estimated 1,000 hours of research and writing attempts I have already invested in this topic.]

As you get ready for church each week, would you please pray for us? Putting on your makeup, lay before the LORD our earnest desire to for clean hearts and sharp minds to clearly discern areas where the church is being led astray, not being legalistic in our confrontation of lies, but also not being complacent concerning deception. Fixing your hair, please join us as we continually pray to keep soft hearts, that we not become judgmental, and that God would guard us from deception and open our eyes to where we ourselves have been led astray. 

We both have explored and experimented with spiritual things that were "attractive" but not genuine forms of true worship that align with God's Word. Our prayer is to hold up the Word of God, the very Words of Jesus, to everyday church-going "good girls" like ourselves, who love God yet are likely walking in many forms of daily deception. As we learn to discern together with our readers, we are uncovering the root lies that have so entrenched themselves in our culture, and even within the church, that C. and I personally spent years not realizing we were ensnared in practices far from the heart of Christ. We are eager to lay our own realizations before you, as we pray for awaking in the church and revival in our lands.

Jude 3b-4 ...I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed...who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1

All Scripture on this post is quoted from the English Standard Version (ESV) as posted at Bible Gateway.

My books:

Please enjoy a free pdf version of the introduction, my personal infertility / loss story, and the first chapter of Hannah's Hope at www.hannahshopebook.com/media/HannahHopeChapter1.pd

Visit me:

main social media page - https://www.facebook.com/HarvestingHope
Specialty pages:
    infertility / loss page - https://www.facebook.com/HannahsHopeBook
    stroke - https://www.facebook.com/StrokieGal
    current book project on church deception - https://www.facebook.com/DeceptionUnmasked
Pinterest - @InfertilityMom
Twitter - @InfertilityMom
Instagram - @InfertilityMom

Please enjoy a free pdf version of the introduction, my personal infertility / loss story, and the first chapter of Hannah's Hope (written pre-stroke) at www.hannahshopebook.com/media/HannahHopeChapter1.pd .


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