
It Stands Written

 Last week, Rick and I had the joy of sharing our story about my stroke recovery journey  as episode #60 of the It Stands Written podcast. We invite you to listen along! It Stands Written is a ministry of our home church, Desert Bible Church , in Scottsdale, Arizona, with Pastor Justin Erickson. I would love to meet you through social media: author  page - Specialty pages:      infertility / loss  - HannahsHopeBook      stroke  - StrokieGal      current book project on church deception  - /DeceptionUnmasked Instagram  @InfertilityMom YouTube  @InfertilityMom Twitter  @InfertilityMom Pinterest  @InfertilityMom My books: Read about my current book project  about deceptions women face from within the church , at Read more  about infertility, miscarriage, adoption loss, and my first book,  Hannah's Hope  (written pre- stroke ) ,  at

Beautiful GIVEAWAY

 Visibly STUNNING! Holman Reference  did an amazing job in the sensory design of their new " The Old Testament Handbook "! From the luxurious look and feel of the deep grey linen-like cloth-over-board cover that beautifully coordinates with the Christian Standard Bible I already owned (I'm reviewing "Charcoal" and The Old Testament Handbook is also available in "Sand")... the satiny bookmarker ribbon and quality design of the full-color glossy page-layout, this reference guide exploring each of the 39 books of earliest books of Scripture is indeed worthy of gift-giving! Each Old Testament book is explored in a section of 6-20 pages of content such as maps, charts, pictures, and word studies, with each page edged in artwork unique to that book, so it is easy to flip through and find exactly the section I want. Generously sized at more than ten inches tall and over eight inches wide, I'm also looking forward to the next book in this series, The


-  Remembering the miracle of God taking on flesh and dwelling among us ( Zechariah 2:10 ; John 1:14 )... - For the purpose of paying the full cost of sin ( Isaiah 53 ; 1 Timothy 1:15-17 ).... - For ALL who call upon His name in repentance ( Psalms 145:18-20 ; John 1:9-12 ; Acts 3:18-19 ; Romans 2:5 ; 2 Corinthians 7:10 ).  May you have a beautiful Christmas focused on Him . Zechariah 2:10 Sing for joy and be glad, O daughter of Zion; for behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,” declares Yahweh. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. 1 Timothy 1: 15 -17 15 It is a trustworthy saying and deserving full acceptance: that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost. 16 Yet for this reason I was shown mercy, so that in me as the foremost, Christ Jesus might demons

Who Gets The Glory?

As I looked up dates for this week, I realized that it was EXACTLY two years ago this coming Saturday, on December 10, 2020, when I watched Susan Heck's " A Call to Scripture Memory " - - and asked God if it would be possible for me to commit ONE short book of the Bible to memory by January 1, 2022? I was intrigued by the "brain training" aspect of the concept, deeply convicted of the spiritual benefits of this idea, and incredibly sincere in my desire to hide God's Word in my heart. I was also cynical and skeptical that it would be remotely possible for me, with such extensive memory incapability after strokes had wiped out so much of my brain, hitting memory centers hard!  I flipped through my Bible and felt satisfied that I should try the book of Jude since I figured it must be the shortest book, at only a single chapter comprised on just 25 verses. I didn't  know my Bible  well enough to realize that there are four books