
It has come to my attention that the Stroke Of Grace blog, that I thought I had set to private several months ago, is still publicly viewable for some people. Because I do not understand what settings I am missing there, and because I do not want to loose nearly a decade of documentation by simply removing the blog altogether, I am slowly adding the following statement to each of my 500+ posts over there:

UPDATE: The following blog post is currently live for historical reference only, accurately representing my thoughts at the time I originally posted. The Stroke of Grace blog was a sorting ground for me, my place for grappling through the kinds of huge questions that cause even the most mentally-able and theologically-trained, to loose sleep. Please read my statement on *sensuality. [The statement is linked within that blog, but is the information I will also post here.] While there are still many of my own conclusions that I stand behind, I have dramatically changed how I see some significant positions I promoted in my first 6-9 years post brain injury. Please ask me for clarification before you quote my prior views. Thank you for your understanding. - Jennifer Saake, June 2021.

*sensuality is defined as "feeding the senses"
For years my theme was "In Darkness Sing," the idea that song birds start their singing as the first hint of light begins to change the pre-dawn sky. After I picked this blogging name, I had a silly mocking bird who nested in my back yard. He took the street lights over our fence as his signal to begin his enthusiastic (yet erroneous) wake up calls between 1 to 3 every morning, hours before the horizon began to glow!

1 John 2:8b I am writing to you... because the darkness is passing away and the true light is already shining.

That mockingbird was more a reflection of my reality than I knew! With thought processes scrambled by brain injury, I called out my views loudly, but followed some theological tangents I am no longer in agreement with. That bird was on the right track, the sunrise actually was coming. But he got some important details very wrong!

Likewise, I never abandoned the conviction that I am a sinner, saved by grace, through faith in the Son Jesus Christ, who died in my place, then bodily rose to life again, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father. I knew, and still firmly cling to the truth, that by His death and resurrection, my sins that separated me from God were fully atoned for, allowing me to one day stand in His perfect presence without shame or fear because I confess Him as my God.

However, I added *sensuality (feeding the senses) to Biblical Truth.  I went beyond Scripture and added much "feelings-led wisdom" to my teaching. I was confused and am devastated to read how I confused my readers! I got as far off course as a midnight mockingbird distracted by synthetic lighting. I am sorry. 

I'm not enthused about the In Darkness Sing name anymore. My co-author, Carolyn, and I are unpacking our spiritual back stories, exposing lies in light of God’s word, in our upcoming book. As we continue writing, please join our growing community of like-minded *faith contenders at

*Jude 3b-4 I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain people have crept in unnoticed…who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. 

In Darkness Light Sing! The Son's rise is certain!

All Scripture on this post is quoted from the English Standard Version (ESV) as posted at Bible Gateway.

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    current book project on church deception -

Pinterest @InfertilityMom
Instagram @InfertilityMom

My books:

Read more about infertility, miscarriage, adoption loss, and my first book, Hannah's Hope (written pre-stroke), at

Please enjoy a free pdf version of the introduction, my personal infertility / loss story, and the first chapter of Hannah's Hope at

Read about our current book project I am co-authoring with Carolyn Howell, author of Foodborne Dementia, about deception in the church, at


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