Q and A

I've given you a bit of a feel for who I am (and how to pronounce my name), talking of my childhood, health, writing, interstate move just before COVID hit, and infertility and loss journey to motherhood. 

It is your turn. Please tell me a thing or three about yourself in the comments! 

If you have any questions for me, or suggestions about what you would like to read about on this blog, please share.

My books:

Please enjoy a free pdf version of the introduction, my personal infertility / loss story, and the first chapter of Hannah's Hope at www.hannahshopebook.com/media/HannahHopeChapter1.pd

Visit me:

main social media page - https://www.facebook.com/HarvestingHope
Specialty pages:
    infertility / loss page - https://www.facebook.com/HannahsHopeBook
    stroke - https://www.facebook.com/StrokieGal
    current book project on church deception - https://www.facebook.com/DeceptionUnmasked
Pinterest - @InfertilityMom
Twitter - @InfertilityMom
Instagram - @InfertilityMom

Please enjoy a free pdf version of the introduction, my personal infertility / loss story, and the first chapter of Hannah's Hope at www.hannahshopebook.com/media/HannahHopeChapter1.pd .


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